As I introduce myself we are purely independent individual escorts in Pune none of our escorts tend to any call girl agency or an escort agency. All girls present on my webpage are purely my college friends and my professional escort friends in Pune. All of them are individual and we ensure that this is not an escort agency that is operated by any agent and there is no need to waste your money in the form of brokerage or you no need to spend your money on the agent.
By contacting us you can deal with the girl and you can directly see the girl and you can directly pay to the escort one who you selected. There is no mediator and no agent.
You know that he will find more friends while you are in college and we can find best friends in your professional life also. We are the same category of girls who are providing pure independent escort services in Pune. We came together and we connected Each Other full plant to work together as a group of call girls in Pune.
How we are offering Independent escorts service at the cheap rate?
You know that there are many call girl groups in Pune and escort agencies in Pune. They are competitors for us. the basic difference from other escort Agencies is we are not agents who Hire girls and send them to clients. These categories of agents charge more and give less money. And we are the call girls who decided to provide the high-class escort service for what we get from agents if we work for agents. We excepted the commission of the agent. And we charge a low price for our high-profile escorts in Pune.
One more secret behind our low-rate escort services in Pune is. We are Independent escorts and there is no limits and borders for us. Generally, escort agencies in Pune have limited permissions. Many escort agencies divide the places. One should not enter other escort agency-covered locations. This is the reason behind all agents request the clients to come particular place.
We will come to your place. For that no need to pay extra.
We never ask you to come to our place. If you are ok to come to our place. We have a safe and secure flat to meet. And we can reach any star hotel in Pune. And as Independent girls, we can reach every end in Pune. All of our girls are well known in Pune because all of our call girls are from Pune and surrounding villages only. And many housewife escorts in our group are local Marathi housewives. Hence we can reach every place easily. If any girl has doubts one of our local escorts accompanies her.
In the case of you go for an escort agency they always invite you to their place and they charge for the place also. If you ask them for an outcall. They charge double if the girl is available at their place. She can attend to one more client in the period of journey time. So they include the charge for the time of travel also. If the girl is new to Pune one of the agents needs to drop her in a taxi or their car. So they charge more for that.
If you choose our escorts in Pune no need for all this wastage of money. We will never charge extra.
How to get an Independent escort service in Pune.
It is very easy to get an escort in Pune. Simply call my number. I will attend the call if you are ok with me I will come to your place if you want other or another girl I will send the profile on WhatsApp. I ensure that one of our escorts in Pune will be your dream girl. And one of our